Personal project where I tried to create and animate various imaginary marine lifeforms (similar to jellyfish and other soft body invertebrates) living on an alien ocean world of Aurata. This is just a first take, more is to come.

ristiquia looks like a jellyfish but it's actually a colony made of several organisms like siphonophores, it usually lives in the deep but can also rise closer to the surface.

Hydrofloids are small jellyfish-like creatures living in large groups. They stay in the deep during the day and by the evening migrate to the surface. Somehow they are linked to Tristiquia.

Cristonatus's body has peculiar five-ray symmetry, like starfish, but it's also got five legs or 'paddles' which makes it a good swimmer. It also has microscopic algae living in its outer tissues and giving them greenish color. Algae need sunlight so cristonatuses are usually found near reefs and rocks in shallow waters.

Colicerasus seems to be a small sedentory filtrator dwelling on reefs.

But apparently colicerasus can also form large colonies comprising hundred thousand individual organisms. They look pretty amazing!

Predatory volapium roams in underwater caves.

Making of...

Thank you for watching!

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